Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Water Is Life

Water is the most natural resources on earth, it is then a moral imperative that water be preserved for our future survival...

Author Unknown
Ram Pump Water System
Proudly Philippine Made
Living and working together for the common good....

Videos and Pics of our installed ram pumps

  • Maligaya, Marilog District Davao City

  • Ladian, Marilog District Davao City

  • Art Ram Pump Water System - Pamuhatan, Marilog District. Davao City

  • Manubiray, Lampanusan, Kalilangan, Bukidnon

  • Brgy. Tuburan, Mawab, Comval 72 IB PA

Exclusively manufactured by:
For more details contact:
Anthony E. Relatado
Mobile No.: 63-9997765717
Email: anthony_relatado@hotmail.com

Monday, August 27, 2012

When to use ram pump

Ram pumps can only be used where water flows downhill and where there is much more water flowing than you want to pump. They are usually used to lift water from springs or streams in hilly areas. Sometimes they are used for irrigation, but more often they are used for community water supplies.
There is a limit to how high a ram pump can lift. This varies from pump design to pump design. Some pump makers make unrealistic claims for their pumps. Generally, ram pumps with up to 4” drive pipes can deliver a useful amount of water to heights of up to 100 meters. Some pumps cannot pump this high, so check a pump’s instruction before choosing which pump to use.
In most cases it is important that the pumps work all year round. They cannot do this if the springs or streams from which they get their water run dry or get very low in the dry season.
A ram pump system is very cheap to run but it does need care and maintenance. The people using the system must be committed to its maintenance and understand how to do it.
The water supplied by any water system to a community must be distributed in a way that meets the people’s needs and is seen to be fair. The people must be involved in planning the system, especially the way the water is distributed. They must also be prepared and able to pay for occasional replacement parts.
          So, ram pump system can be useful when there are the following things.
·       A flow of water that is dropping quite quickly. It does not have to be flowing steeply in the stream or river. The system designer can usually make the water do that.
·       A source of water that has a much bigger flow than you want to pump.
·       A source of water that does not get very low or dry up at some times of year. This applies especially to irrigation systems because the time they are needed is usually the time when the water is lowest.
·       A place for the pump that is not more than 100 meters below the place where the water must be delivered. (Note: We have new design can lift more than 100 meters high).
·       A willingness for the system care and maintenance to be provided by the community that uses the water.
·       A community involved in planning and paying for the system.
If a site meets these conditions, it is probably worth carrying out a site design survey. A design survey will give a good idea of the amount of water that can be delivered and how much a system will cost.
When you are installing a community supply, remember that many sources of water are not safe to drink. Springs are usually safe but water from streams and rivers is usually not safe to drink. The water must be filtered or boiled before you use it. Slow sand-filters that clean the water can add quite a lot to the cost of a system

Exclusively manufactured by:
For more details contact:
Anthony E. Relatado
Mobile No.: 63-9997765717
Email: anthony_relatado@hotmail.com

Friday, August 24, 2012

What is Ram Pump

ram is powered by falling. Water from a stream or spring is diverted and dropped through a drive pipe into the pump. The power of the falling water is used to pump some of the water where it is wanted. The amount of power in the falling water limits how high you can pump, and how much water you can pump. Generally, the more water you drop and the further you let it fall, the more power there will be.

            A ram can raise water upwards of 100 meters height and 5 km in distance. The steady flow from the ram fills a header tank that can then supply houses.

            A ram can work from a “fall” (the vertical distance between the supply tank and the ram) as small as 0.5 meter with a flow of only 4 litres per minute. With higher falls and flows, a ram can pump 250,000 litres in 24 hours.

            A ram is designed for, water supply to small groups of houses, resorts, farm irrigation and others from minor sources of water such as springs and small streams.

Various model and sizes of our ram pumps.


  • Technical Survey is needed to determine the right size of the pump and cost of installation.

Ram Pump Advantages include:
  1. Inexpensive
  2. Very simple construction.
  3. Does not consume petrol, diesel or electricity.
  4. Minimum maintenance.
  5. Pollution free.
  6. Quiet pumping 24 hours per day.

Exclusively manufactured by:

For more details contact:
Anthony E. Relatado
Mobile No.: 63-9997765717
Email: anthony_relatado@hotmail.com